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Sept 9, 2002

Chichester Conservation Commission
9/9/02 Meeting Minutes - Approved 10/14/02
7PM, Chichester Grange Hall     

Present: R. Mann, J. Andrews, G. Jones, W. Sanborn
Absent for reason: J Jordan

Election of officers
Nominated:  Bob Mann            y 4     n 0
Vice Chairman:
Nominated:  Jeff Andrews                y 4     n 0
Nominated:  Jeff Jordan         y 4     n 0

Old Business
Jeff Jordan has contacted the party who has nearly completed the survey at Carpenter Park.  The work will be completed by Bartlett Excavating of Epsom.

Heather has been contacted about a conscom key and file cabinet.  Bob Mann will check on the status.

Discussion of current town land and easements.  Lack of continuity of properties is noted.

New Business
The mail slot at Town Hall needs to be checked frequently due to time constraints in commenting on Dredge and Fill applications.  Chairman will check this weekly.

Need for Natural Resources Inventory is discussed.  This will possibly be included in the conscom goals to be discussed at the Oct. Meeting.  Jeff Andrews to obtain rough range of prices.  Use of the conservation fund and participation by town volunteers to lower the price is discussed.

Draft conscom bylaws will be discussed at Oct meeting.

Adjourn 8:45 PM